Monday, February 28, 2011

Brooke and Jon Dance Party!

We've got an engaged child living at our house... so in the wake of wedding planning, we reap certain benefits, such as participating in dance lessons :)

Here's the Koberstein/Evans Living room dance party:
I particularly love Larry's little booty shake! Brooke said we had to get that on film before he grows out of it--here we have success!

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"You want results, they're not coming for free!"

Dawna likes to say that, which is a quote from the good ol' Jillian's 30 day shred...

Last week when I was watching my friend's kids, the big girls decided they wanted to do a workout, and to my delighted surprise, all four kids (the youngest under 2) jumped in and watched the movie and started working out together... it was Adorable!

PS: Sorry my filming isn't fantastic...

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Day 9

So... some of you may have noticed a bit of a pattern forming here :) Since the 6th, we've celebrated the following:

Day 7: Sparkling cider in champagne flutes and stuffed mushroom day!
Day 8: The most awesome heart attack ever day!

and now... Day 9... which many of you have predicted...

Xochitl Loves Daddy because Day!

Sorry... those of you who know me well have probably figured that some cheesy poetry was coming at some point... Xochitl has to take the rap for it, though :) hehe...

oops... here's take 2... Dawna was very upset because I forgot to put a heart at the end like the other two had... so we had to fix that... sorry for the delay...

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Day Six.

To catch you up on the action you missed since Day Three:

Day 4: Post-It note Puzzle Day
Day 5: Deeb-babysits-and-cleans-the-bathroom-while-Jon-SCUBA-Dives Day
Day 6 (drumroll please...)

Larry Loves Daddy Because Day!


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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Day Three

Welcome to Day Three of the "Fourteen Days of Valentines" Series! To catch you all up on the action so far:

Day 1: Love note in your work email inbox day
Day 2: Reese's peanut putter cup hearts on your dashboard day
Day 3 (TODAY!) is.....

"Dawna Loves Daddy Because" Day!

Enjoy the show :)

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