Over the past week, it's been warm and toasty outside! The sun has been shining almost every day this week and many exciting and fun things indicate that spring is there!
Springtime is when we often celebrate new life. I had a chance to do just that with my good friend Becca, who had her baby last Saturday. He has perfect skin just like his mama and makes the perfect addition to their family and our "Riviera 15" group of roommate kids :) She let us come see her in the hospital on Sunday... when we got there we realized we were just one in a line of many visitors she had. Hopefully it wasn't too tiring to have so many people come visit...
Consequently, they had a "run through the sprinklers" session after completing their painting projects (notice Larry's conspicuous absence... he's still no fan of water flying in his face):
...but Dawna won the prize for having the most fun! She flew her kite sitting, standing, and walking around!
Larry wins the prize for flying a kite without even looking at it :)
And I win the prize for being the least likely to be carried away by a kite:
Your family is so cute!
We're not buried in snow (now that it melted today), but definitely not warm enough to run around in sprinklers outside!! Those pictures are so fun. And you have the cutest prego belly Danielle - you look fantastic for being nearly 35 weeks pregnant. Let the nesting BEGIN! (or CONTINUE! :) I definitely have spring cleaning on the brain and I'm not even pregnant.
I know you were here a couple weeks ago playing in the snow... this week, when the family came to visit, we played in the river! It was so warm. But today is stormy gray again... so it can't make up it's mind out here.
I love all the cute pictures and stories!
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