Locks of Love
So, I've always been too small to donate blood, too much of a pansy to donate plasma, and nobody has ever asked me to donate a kidney... but... I'm very good at growing long locks of hair. Over Christmas, I cut my hair and sent it to Locks of Love. I know most of you who view my blog have already seen me with my short hair, but just for the record of it, here's how it happened:
Before: Really really long hair that Lawrence could reach up and grab... not the most comfortable feeling to have your hair pulled by a 2-year-old... kinda yanked my head backwards sometimes. (I don't have a copy of the official "before" picture, but this one will do for now. My hair was Really really long.)
After: MUCH MUCH shorter hair! Let me tell you, it feels refreshing and light--and much less like a Tarzan vine for Lawrence. (it's not the most flattering picture of me...I think I sorta look like a hunchback...all well... )
way to go! Although I have to say from my mainly short hair life, to the one time with long hair (in Fremont) I think I'm going back to long hair. It's funny how that works you've always had long hair and now like your short hair and vice versa for me. Anywho way to go!
Good for you! I love your new haircut. You look gorgeous no matter how long your hair is though. :)
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