Monday, April 13, 2015

Hurricane Jade

This week, Hurricane Jade struck the Koberstein house in full force. The storm hit landfall in the master bathroom, unraveling an entire roll of dental floss and wadding up little toilet paper balls.  She laid waste to a large glass cup, scattering debris over the entire kitchen area and causing delays in breakfast and lunch service.

The calm quiet moments in the storm only indicated that trouble was brewing farther inland... buried in the rubble was mom's smart phone with everything deleted, reset to factory defaults, and a Kindle that had purchased whatever book had an ad on display. Fortunately, officials were already on the scene when Hurricane Jade was attempting to color on the side of the van with a rock.  But trying to prevent and repair the damage only incensed the storm further...

Storm chasers found hurricane Jade all scraped up after falling off a garbage can, which she had ascended in search of the puppies over the fence.  We hoped, but hoped in vain, that that exploit would cause the violence in the storm to dissipate...

Instead, the storm traveled back towards the Koberstein household and caused tens of dollars worth of damage to the groceries, leaving naan bread, half-eaten pears, sticky sticky licked-up lollipops, and bowls of cereal or oatmeal scattered over the landscape, not to mention the flash floods that occurred when she encountered the cups of water that the older hurricanes --Ahem...-- kids were "saving for later..."

This is not a new phenomenon.  Over the past decade, four hurricanes of similar strength and power have overwhelmed the Koberstein household. You'd think we'd know how to deal with their destructive powers by now, but each hurricane seems to become more cunning and inventive than the last. (perhaps we are just getting older and tireder...)

At this point, I just want to crawl in a storm cellar and wait it out... then start rebuilding the whole place once all the hurricanes in the house are clearly past their terrible two's.  I think we got enough wheat to survive on...



At April 13, 2015 1:03 PM , Blogger Aaron and Emily said...

This is all in one day?!!

I feel like Malachi is sometimes a bit worse than all the others were. But maybe I just forgot.

This is why I keep my phone locked.


At April 14, 2015 10:40 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

This actually represents one week...
Yeah, I thought the swipe password on the phone would keep it locked enough, but apparently not...


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